


  1. アマテラスの基本プロフィール



  1. スサノオとの壮絶バトル




  1. 天岩戸開き作戦



  1. ちょっとした教訓?



  1. 現代風に考えるアマテラス

もしアマテラスが現代に生きていたら、どんな人なのでしょうか? 引きこもりがちだけど、SNSでは絶大な影響力を持つ「インフルエンサー」タイプかもしれません。きっとフォロワー数は数百万人規模で、「今日は弟に嫌がらせされました…」なんて投稿したら、いいねが爆発的に増えるでしょう。





Amaterasu: The Quirky Sun Goddess of Japanese Mythology

Amaterasu is one of the most famous figures in Japanese mythology. As the goddess who embodies the sun, she is often revered as the supreme deity of the heavens. However, if you dive deeper into her stories, you might start to wonder, “Isn’t she a little… difficult to handle?” Let’s take a closer look at Amaterasu, with a lighthearted twist.

  1. Amaterasu’s Basic Profile

Amaterasu’s full name is Amaterasu-Ōmikami, which literally means “the great goddess who illuminates the heavens.” True to her name, she is the deity who brings light to the world. She was born to Izanagi and Izanami, the primal gods of Japanese mythology.

According to legend, Amaterasu was born when Izanagi performed a purification ritual called misogi after escaping the underworld. As he washed his left eye, Amaterasu appeared. From his right eye, her brother Tsukuyomi, the moon god, was born, and from his nose came Susanoo, the storm god.

While this all sounds mystical and grand, let’s pause for a moment: she popped out of her dad’s eye during a face wash. Isn’t that just a bit… peculiar?

  1. The Epic Sibling Showdown

Amaterasu’s brother Susanoo was quite the troublemaker. His antics could fill an entire saga, but the most notorious was when he trashed Amaterasu’s sacred weaving hall. In a fit of mischief, he threw a dead horse into the workshop where Amaterasu and her attendants were working.

Understandably, this pushed Amaterasu over the edge. But instead of retaliating, she fell into despair. She decided to shut herself away in a cave known as Ama-no-Iwato and declared, “I’m not coming out!”

As the goddess of the sun, her withdrawal plunged the world into complete darkness. Crops failed, and humanity faced chaos. It was a stark reminder of how vital her presence was to the world.

  1. The Ama-no-Iwato Rescue Mission

With Amaterasu holed up in her cave, the other gods held an emergency meeting. “How do we get her out?” they pondered. Their solution was a bold one: entertainment.

Enter Ame-no-Uzume, the goddess of dawn and revelry. Ame-no-Uzume performed an outrageous dance in front of the cave. It was so wild and hilarious that the gods burst into laughter. Hearing the commotion, Amaterasu peeked out from the cave, curious about the noise.

At that moment, the strong god Ame-no-Tajikarao flung open the cave door, and the other deities pulled Amaterasu out. Finally, sunlight returned to the world, and balance was restored.

  1. A Subtle Lesson?

What can we learn from this tale? On one hand, Amaterasu’s story reminds us that even the mightiest figures can have their vulnerabilities. Her reaction to Susanoo’s antics shows that she has a sensitive and relatable side.

On the other hand, the solution to the crisis—distracting her with humor—might suggest a rather simplistic life lesson: “If someone’s upset, just make them laugh!” It’s both endearing and slightly absurd.

  1. Amaterasu in the Modern World

If Amaterasu lived in today’s society, what would she be like? Perhaps she’d be a social media influencer—someone who rarely appears in public but commands millions of followers online. A single post like, “My brother played a prank on me today… feeling down,” would probably go viral.

She might also resonate with modern individuals struggling with stress and burnout. Her tendency to shut down in the face of overwhelming emotions feels all too familiar in today’s high-pressure world.


Amaterasu is a revered goddess who symbolizes the sun, yet her myths reveal a surprisingly human and quirky side. Her story is both grand and humorous, which might explain why it has been passed down for generations.

So, the next time you hear about Amaterasu, take a moment to appreciate not just her divine brilliance but also her relatable charm. After all, even the goddess of the sun has her cloudy days!

